Dentist in Nottingham
32 Market Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HW
Q & A
How do I make an appointment?
Just call in to the practice or call our receptionists on 0115 9474244 and they will be happy to make you an appointment.
What do I need to bring with me?
If you are exempt from payment of NHS charges then you will need to bring evidence of the exemption at your first visit and at every check- up appointment.
What if I can’t attend an appointment?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you can’t keep an appointment so we can use the time you have booked to help another patient
We would normally consider reasonable notice to be at least 24 working hours. Appointments can be cancelled or postponed by speaking directly to a receptionist during our normal opening hours, by leaving an answer phone message if the phone lines are busy or by email to [email protected]
What happens if I miss my appointment?
If you fail to attend a private appointment the amount charged will be based on our normal hourly chargeable rate and the length of the appointment booked by you.
We do not charge you for missed NHS appointments; however, if you miss any, your dentist can decide not to offer you treatment in the future.
What methods of payments do you accept?
We accept cash and all chip and pin debit/credit cards with the exception of American express. We are no longer able accept cheques as a method of payment.
What disabled provisions do you have?
We have disabled access to the front of the building including a ramp and hand rails. Four surgeries are located the first floor which do not require the use of stairs and a disabled toilet. We also have a hearing loop fitted at reception.